
The cliffs looked really imposing, and with a shudder we thought of the young man we met in the wheelchair the previous day. He was being carried by his mother onto the street from her house. She appeared to be struggling with him and his wheel-chair, so went to help her. She was really touched, and started talking to us. Soon the young mans' father joined us, and between the two of them we were able to understand that the young man was once a brilliant athlete. While running the cliffs above, which was his regular route, he missed his footing, and fell down to the rocks below. Critically injuring his spine, he was relegated to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. By the end of that story, there were several pairs of moist eyes. After a while, we bade farewell to the family, and wished them better days, what else could we say? When we reached the end of the narrow street, we turned around to see the young man sitting immobile in the healing morning sun.