The Well-Tempered Cook
Cooking With Chefs
Art Of The Cake
status: online
:Watertown, MA,:

The art and technique of preparing Asian and other ethnic foods is narrated through authentic home recipes and culinary stories .
status: 2003-2013
status: 1997-2003

TableTalk was the original Well-Tempered Cook site created in the early days of the web. In 1997 there were no blogs and I painstakingly created a site (flush with frames and all!) devoted to my love of cuisine, featuring mainly Indian and South East Asian recipes that I had learnt and collected over the years.

A few visitor comments from those years in my 'guestbook' - remember them?

"Thank you for putting this site together. It's a great resource and very inspiring!"

"The layout and introduction are wonderful. I could go on reading and somehow feel filled just doing that."

"Very good site for Indian cuisine, very well organised."

"What a great site - Beautifully designed - artistic and really informative - Can't wait to try some of your mouthwatering dishes - right now!!!"

"I would like to thank you for your brilliant work in creating this site and selecting choicest of Indian recipes and make it available on a single site."

"Excellent compilation of recipes"

"I have been to many cuisine sites and I think this is one of the best sites. the images are enough to make your mouth water and to encourage you to try 'em all."