:New York, USA:
Jazz pianist, composer, teacher, author
Client Comments:
"A few years ago Ramona Borthwick and her husband Noel approached me at a jazz
club in Boston as fans. They had my book, some of my CDs and a CD they had made
of their own from downloads (which they paid for) from the Internet. Very
sweetly they told me that they did web design and it would be "an honor" to do
one for me. I was charmed by their sincerity, but it was another year before I
took them up on their offer.
Once it was decided to go ahead, it was Ramona who was primarily in charge of
building it. Well, what good fortune it was for me to choose her to do this job.
In her hands, it is really more of a "service" in the higher sense of the word.
Look at my website and you'll see. There is so much love in everything she did.
And the quality has to set a new standard for musician's websites. I get more
e-mail about what a great website I have than I do about what's on the website!
(and that suites me just fine).
A few heavy hitters in the web design business have marveled at my site and said
unabashedly that they were going to copy some things from it for their own
A website speaks about its subject as truly as any other representation. If a
person or organization wants to radiate class, art, integrity and soulfulness,
then you have had the same good fortune as I had if Ramona Borthwick has
strolled into your life. As you can see, I give the highest recommendation for
her as a craftsperson, artist, and most important, as a human being." |